Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fair Trade Pro's and Con's

Why buy fair?

International trade does not benefit everyone in the world. Many people live in poverty, are not treated with dignity and do not receive a fair income for their labor. This has led to the emergence of the concept of Fair Trade, which aims to guarantee that producers in less developed countries receive a fair price that not only reflects the true costs of their production and work, but also makes socially just and environmentally sound production possible. An increasing number of Fair Trade products such as coffee, tea, fruit and fruit juices, snacks and handicrafts are available on Worldwide. Since 2000 the market for Fair Trade products has been growing at 20% per year.

What does Fair Trade mean?

Working with powerless producers and workers in order to help them move from a position of vulnerability to security and economic self-sufficiency. By empowering producers and workers as stakeholders in their own organizations to actively play a wider role in the global arena to achieve greater equity in international trade.

  • Equal partnership and respect between producers and consumers
  • A fair price for socially just and environmentally sound work
  • Healthy working conditions
  • Fair market access for poverty alleviation and sustainable development Stable, transparent and long-term partnership
  • Guaranteed minimum wages and prompt payment
  • Financial assistance, when needed (pre-harvest or pre-production financing)
  • Premiums on Fair Trade products used to develop community projects
  • Encouraging better environmental practices

On the other hand, some believe Fair Trade is connected to other global issues. While doing my research I read two different points of view on Fair Trade. Above is the positive part of Fair Trade and the link below states the opposite. Please read the link below and comment.