Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Texas State Veggie Fair 2012

Seeds To Love is honored to be an exhibitor at The Texas State Veggie Fair 2012. This event will be on October 21, 2012 at the Reverchon Park in Dallas. Below is the link of all the exhibitors participating. Come out and educate yourself on “Vegan Living” & “Green Living”.

We’ll see you there!

Why Vegan?

Being a Vegan is definitely more of a lifestyle choice and a philosophy than a diet. Vegans do not eat anything that comes from an animal origin. Vegans will not use animal based products for clothing or any other purpose. A person can become a vegan because of ethical reasons involving animal rights, environmental factors, or wanting a healthier lifestyle.

Vegans believe that the fat from animals causes health issues like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and many more. Humans are not designed to intake these types of fat, causing us to get sick over time.

Becoming a Vegan?

Becoming a Vegan is not an easy transition in today’s society, due to the global demand and convenience of animal products. It takes dedication and knowledge to be motivated and committed to drastically changing for your lifestyle. I believe knowledge is power and if we learn to find other resources “Anything is Possible”.

If you are tired of feeling sluggish, lack of concentration, body fat, weight loss problems, skin breakout, constipation try something different! That is the only way you will find a solution.

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