Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Vegetable Ivory Bio

Tagua Nut /Vegetable Ivory is the most amazing natural seed to work with. 
Tagua Nut can be carved and shaped in different sizes, creating amazing pieces.

The scientific name is "Phytelephas Aequatorialis Macrocarpa".

Tagua grows in the tropical rainforests of some South American countries, mainly Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, The fruit of the tagua tree is almost completely round measuring 20 to 50 cm in diameter with a blackish exterior. This fruit, also known as “mococha”, has many locular cavities each containing two or more seeds.

The content of the immature fruit is a tasteless crystalline liquid. When it starts to ripen this turns into a sweet and pleasant milky substance, transforming later to a gelatinous viscous consistency and finally becoming an extraordinarily hard product similar in color, appearance and feel to natural ivory.

Tagua will take approximately 15 years to produce its first harvest and will not stop bearing fruit for all of the years and even a century to come. A 35 to 40 year old plant measures about 6 feet and produces, in the 3 yearly harvests, between 15 to 16 heads or “mocochas”.

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